
Our Pastor and Assistant Pastor

Andre & Gisele Messner

Andre and Gisele met and became friends during their senior year of high school. Shortly after graduation, they started dating and got married 2 years later.

Having both been raised to believe in their savior Jesus, they searched for the right Christ centered faith family to put down roots. For years they went from church to church having never found the answer to their heart's burden until a friend started to teach them home bible studies in 2010.

With their eyes opened to the word's truth that there is far more to the Christian experience then simply holding on to the belief that Jesus saves us from hell, they dove head first into the great discovery of how Christ's Kingdom has become our own, that we're created and commission for "Greater Works" by the Holy Spirit of God! (see John 14)

As they continued to discover more and more about their identity as co-heirs with Christ, the greater demonstrations of God's Power and Spirit poured in and out of their lives and ministry.

Today, people from every walk of life are discovering lasting, and ever increasing, liberty and empowerment from their ministries as they help people discover for themselves their Royal Inheritance and position of Absolute Intimacy all have with their Father God.

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